Check out our interview with Jason Charles Miller in honor of his new release From The Wreckage – Part One out today! #JasonCharlesMiller#dungeonsanddragons#anime#voiceactor#musician#newmusicalert#twitch#podcast#nerdlife#dice#tabletopgames [...]
Avid readers of Movement Magazine recently may be aware that I did my first prerelease piece on a local film- this would be the thriller Cry for the Bad Man. In my experiences preparing for the article, I was able [...]
Local artist/promoter Byron Brown has for years been indoctrinating friends and celebrities into the LOOP, a group lucky enough to be gifted one of his small pear-shaped custom character sculptures. Brown has just completed the landmark 3000th sculpt in the [...]
Chris Corner of IAMX has no time for the nostalgia industry or the social media zeitgeist industry. Corner’s into deep sonic auteur territory now; he’s starting to remind me of Orson Welles, in that he played the industry game once with Sneaker [...]