Movement Magazine


1. How did the band originally get formed and how did the sound evolve to what it is today?  Skyview formed in 2007 in a little town called Bonifay FL (near Tallahassee) by a group of college friends trying to combine modern aviation themes within their original music. The result was the first [...]

May 12, 2019 admin Features 0

Cry for the Bad Man movie review

Avid readers of Movement Magazine recently may be aware that I did my first prerelease piece on a local film- this would be the thriller Cry for the Bad Man. In my experiences preparing for the article, I was able to reach out to the directors and even the star [...]

May 12, 2019 admin Exclusive 0

Phukheadz 3000

Local artist/promoter Byron Brown has for years been indoctrinating friends and celebrities into the LOOP, a group lucky enough to be gifted one of his small pear-shaped custom character sculptures. Brown has just completed the landmark 3000th sculpt in the series (on our suggestion it is his self portrait) and [...]

December 28, 2017 admin Exclusive 0


Chris Corner of IAMX has no time for the nostalgia industry or the social media zeitgeist industry. Corner’s into deep sonic auteur territory now; he’s starting to remind me of Orson Welles, in that he played the industry game once with Sneaker Pimps and now it’s going to be obscure, personal albums [...]

October 1, 2015 admin Exclusive 0



WHO IS CONNING WHO As anyone who knows me or my 22 years publishing MOVEMENT and supporting the Jacksonville scene, you know how much I love this city and have tirelessly dedicated my time, finances, blood, sweat, tears, and sanity to the betterment of this city’s entertainment scene. For the [...]

September 24, 2014 admin Culture, Magazine, Nerd News, Vox Populi • Editorial 0